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All Collections🖼 My shipmentDeadline
Can you prioritize my shipment?
Can you prioritize my shipment?

The sooner the better

Updated over a week ago

The sooner the better

First of all, it is very (very) important to inform us about any deadlines related to a shipment from the very beginning. It allows us to prepare and organise your shipment accordingly and most efficiently.

Unforeseen deadlines

In case a deadline is fixed or communicated after the booking has been made, you need to contact us as soon as possible.

In this event, we will investigate the best solutions we have to deliver your shipment on time.

At Convelio, we always strive to find the best solution for our clients.

Please note that we may turn your grouped shipment into a dedicated one, which will add extra services and costs to the final price. In this case, we will let you know of that option as to best serve and your timeline.

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